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EverOS - Everspry Outsole Scanner

Everspry Outsole Scanner (EverOS™) V2.0

  • is the next generation shoeprint scanner that captures high-resolution two-dimensional images to allow investigators timely compare them against those found at other crime scenes.
  • EverOS™ V2.0 makes scanning shoeprints as easy as 1-2-3.
  • Perfect for your custody suite, detention unit, or forensic lab!


Fast upload and processing

EverOS™ V2.0 images can be uploaded into a regional or national database. Digital images may then be accessed, shared, and updated by investigators, reducing the process of shoeprint development from weeks to minutes.


EverOS™ V2.0 + EverASM™

To get the most out of our products, we recommend using EverOS™ V2.0 together with EverASM™. This will equip you with the complete set of instruments necessary for modern shoeprint processing.

EverOS - Everspry Outsole Scanner

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